tjccnaJan 11, 20213 min read美國稅務法規很複雜,會計師陪你一起瞭解它美國稅法規定生硬且因為語言差異,不是每個納稅人都有意願去理解。盡早理解美國稅法規定幾乎是每位納稅人的必修課程,但也因為法規繁雜且變動性大,當需要理解時常常已經產生損失,悔不當初。
tjccnaOct 30, 20204 min read遠距工作潮中載浮載沉的外國雇員先前隨著美國疫情升溫,以及各種政府Lockdown、Shelter-in-Place、Stay-Home舉措,許多企業受到這波疫情的影響,紛紛開始探索名為「遠距工作」的處女地。雖然移民日漸緊縮,但透過遠距工作的興起減少地理位置重要性,也許能開啟一扇職涯躍進的大門
tjccnaSep 27, 20204 min readHow Taiwan will become a major Asian startup hubSpotted: Taiwan is going to be the next startup hub in the continent. Here's how.
tjccnaAug 28, 20201 min readJust How Bad Is Text Neck/Forward Head Posture To Your Health? Working from home during SIP is dreadful especially if you don't have proper ergonomic setup.
tjccnaJul 27, 20203 min read古典音樂的一個新世紀2020年COVID-19的疫情嚴重的衝擊了每個行業。古典音樂在這其中受到嚴重的打擊,各大音樂團體及組織必須停擺所有的音樂會與活動,有些更被迫解散,導致許多的音樂家失去了舞台、失去了工作,而需要另尋出路,或改變自己以往對於音樂的堅持與嚮往。
tjccnaJul 9, 20191 min readBig Idea, Big Picture, Big AdventureWelcome our new President Ling-Yao Chang and her excellent team members. In the coming year, let’s make a new achievement together 🎉🎉🎉
tjccnaApr 11, 20191 min read2019 北美洲台灣商會聯合總會青商部(TJCCNA) 選舉委員會公告In June 15th, 2019 we will have 3 elections at Seattle conference as the following, TJCCNA 16th President download form TJCCNA 16th...