TCCNA Honduras Emergency Relief

Attention TJCCNA,
We are seeking the generosity of Taiwanese Junior Chamber of Commerce North America (TJCCNA) to help provide emergency relief to our ally country, Honduras. Honduras, Guatemala and Nicaragua have recently been struck by two consecutive devastating hurricanes, Eta and Iota. This caused country-wide power outages, mudslides, halt in nearly all public transportation and resulted in more than 52 casualties. More than 3 million people are directly affected by these catastrophic hurricanes and require emergency relief. On top of these natural disasters, COVID-19 numbers have risen to 107,888 cases and 2,909 deaths across the country.
The Honduras embassy Director of San Francisco, Sophia Valverde, has reached out to Taiwanese Economic and Cultural Office of San Francisco, Director General Ming Chi Lai, and Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce North America’s President, Yi Ming Wu on Thanksgiving for their organization’s support. The embassy director provided a list of essentials that the Hondurian people are in dire need of and is seeking help from Taiwanese immigrants and Taiwanese Businesses to restore their country. Mr. and Mrs. Wu donated $30,000 USD to this cause and will seek assistance from anyone willing to help. Monetary donations will be put toward purchasing essentials and all items will be shipped in a cargo container from Taiwan and the United States directly to the people in Honduras.
All checks can be made out to TCCNA and write, “Honduras relief fund TJCCNA” in the memo line and mailed to the following address: 10440 S De Anza Blvd. #D4, Cupertino, CA, 95014.
Donations through Zelle may be donated to TCCNAFoundation@gmail.com. Please notate TJCCNA in the notes section.
For item donations, please contact Chen Yang Ming at (650) 867-1147
Some of the required essentials listed are as follows:
Non-food Products: Camp bed, sleeping bag, blanket, sheets, pillow, towel, mosquito net, female undergarments, male undergarments, female clothing, male clothing, general clothing,
Hygiene Products: Diapers, adult diapers, soap, feminine products, disposable razors, shampoo, baby wipes, water containers, baby powder, petroleum jelly, mosquito repellent
Personal Protective Equipment for COVID-19: Adult face masks, children face masks, Adult face shield, children face shield, disposable gloves, hand sanitizer, disinfectant, bleach, hand soap, alcohol wipes, small containers for hand sanitizer, paper towel
Food Products: Water, sugar, butter, red bean, corn starch, salt, coffee, salt, spaghetti, chicken bouillon, ketchup/tomato sauce
Cleaning Supplies: Soap powder, soap bar, broom, mop, disinfectant, rubber gloves
Please contact us if you have products to donate that are not on the list.
Kenneth Hong, Charity Committee Chair
(530) 400-6024