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The 2023 TJCCNA Metaverse Business Expo is set to take place on June 4th, 2023 at 5PM PT in the exciting virtual world of Pixel Canvas: Metaverse Platform.

This event is the perfect opportunity for entrepreneurs and business leaders to explore the latest in virtual business solutions, network with like-minded individuals, and discover innovative technologies to take their businesses to the next level.

With 16 exhibitors showcasing their cutting-edge products and services, attendees can expect a dynamic and engaging experience. From virtual reality marketing solutions to AI-powered customer service, there is something for everyone at this expo.

Join us in the Pixel Canvas: Metaverse Platform and connect with industry leaders, entrepreneurs, and innovators in a fully immersive and interactive environment. The future of business is here, and this expo is your chance to be a part of it. Register now to secure your spot and stay ahead of the curve.

北美洲臺灣商會聯合總會青商部(TJCCNA)首屆百人元宇宙商業展於6月4日在Pixel Canvas: Metaverse Platform 元宇宙平臺上舉行,提供展示和交流的創新平臺青年創業家和商業領袖一個虛擬平臺,促進年輕企業家之間的合作和交流,同時推動元宇宙技術在商業領域的應用和創新。


洛杉磯文教中心副主任鄭心茹以及Pixel Canvas的創始人兼首席執行官李育庭(Joey Lee)特地上線參加此活動。李育庭是僑委會2023全球青商潛力之星選拔的獲獎者之一,他於2019年在加州洛杉磯創立 Pixel Canvas,曾在GPJ擁有超過10年的活動設計經驗,與亞馬遜、本田和 AT&T 等品牌合作。他還是 Audience vs VR 恐怖遊戲 Reiko's Fragments 的遊戲總監。作為一個3D互動平臺,Pixel Canvas為使用者提供了無限創造力和自由度。使用者可以創建個性化的虛擬身份,定制元宇宙中的虛擬環境,並與其他使用者進行深入的互動和遊戲參與,創造更豐富、真實的虛擬體驗。使用者亦可使用平臺的Metaverse World Builder功能創建自己專屬的元宇宙世界。

這次商業展邀請來自北美各地的年輕企業家、創業者、投資者和技術專家參與。並由僑務委員會以及北美洲臺灣商會聯合總會指導,協辦單位包含芝加哥臺美商會青商部、洛杉磯臺美商會青商部、紐約臺灣青商會、多倫多臺灣商會青年創業協會;展出的攤位包含: Pixel Canvas, Ebinger Manufacturing Co, Career Taiwan USA Association, New Asia Chamber Music Society, Creative Studio Architects, Tea & Gifts Co from Formosa。


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